Skyler’s Journey to Becoming a Third-Generation Financial Advisor

Michael Jordan once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

This idea resonates with me, both on and off the court.

As Rex’s son and the third generation in financial advising, I’ve learned that doing well in finance, just like in basketball, is more about collaboration and playing to each other’s strengths.

Growing up, I can remember my dad teaching my sister and I that 20% of our allowance went to separate savings accounts, so we wouldn’t be tempted to spend it. This was just one of many lessons that my dad taught us that helped me get a jumpstart on finances.

As you can see, I was being coached for success at an early age, gaining important knowledge about finances, while learning teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills that translate well to the financial world.  Now that I’ve moved on from basketball, I’m excited to use these skills to fuel my passion of working with people to help them reach their life goals.

Currently, I’m taking college classes full-time, working toward a degree in Financial Planning. My goal is to attain my certifications, so I can join Aristata Financial as a Financial Advisor by the time I graduate.

Right now, I’m still learning the basics, and building relationships with clients, by helping them with their administrative needs.  While finance is a new arena for me, I am enjoying it, and trying to soak up as much information as possible.

Now, if you’re wondering what it’s like working with my dad? I’ve really enjoyed having another environment where I can make fun of him for not being able to operate his phone or computer. In all seriousness, working with my dad and our team has been a great experience, and a lot of fun. Aristata Financial is about more than just finances. It’s about building strong relationships not only between us, but also with our clients.

As a third-generation advisor-in-the-making, I know my grandpa would be proud to know my dad and I are continuing to build on this legacy.

I look forward to getting to know YOU and working with the Aristata team to make your dreams a reality.

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Schedule a 15 minute introductory call so we can learn more about you, your financial goals and how we can best help you achieve them.